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Office Culture

Creating FOMO in the Workplace

Contrary to how it may seem, it is possible to attract and retain talent in the workplace. Here are some important factors to consider.

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Now that the world has had a taste of the comforts of WFH, there’s been a struggle to create excitement for returning to the office. Now that most jobs have successfully been done from home, it begs the question- why return to the office at all? Community, culture, and collaboration are such important aspects to a company and its workforce; working remotely full-time can really hurt these important parts of a business.

The Office has Changed Post-Pandemic

It would be foolish to ignore that the office has changed drastically; There is still a great amount of experimentation being done in workspaces. From hybrid work schedules to innovative technology to flexible and collaborative design elements, there is a lot of change happening in offices. Decision-makers can see that the world is continuing to change as people find what works for them. By being flexible, embracing innovation, and implementing new technologies, many companies are finally finding their groove in this new normal.

Concentrate on culture

An emphasis on office culture has been a huge topic for discussion post-pandemic. Whether you are a call center, medical facility, or interior designer- your brand and mission need to be clearly communicated and influence your space. Make your values known to help create a workplace that motivates and inspires those who are in it.

Rethink Collaboration

While the initial collaborative space was thought to be an open office space, we are seeing that this isn’t always the case. Some may see a need for more comfortable lounge areas, and for some this may mean a room with whiteboard walls and a large conference table. It is important to look inwards when making these choices and dig deep to maximize collaboration and productivity within your space. Speak to different workers within your organization and get opinions on what would make them the most comfortable and feel most inspired.

Generation Gap

With the oldest of Gen Z being born in 1996, they will soon account for 25% of the workforce. Employers have been struggling to find what attracts and motivates this generation, as they are much different than those before them. Those belonging to Gen Z value their personal time over their salary. They are more socially aware and find their job title more important than generations before them. Gen Z wants to make a positive impact and have meaning behind their work. They want to believe in the company they work for and feel that they have similar values and goals.

You don't have to be a fortune 500 company to set and implement measurable goals for the betterment of your organization. All-sized companies want to attract and retain top talent. Figure out what drives your employees and adjust accordingly if something isn't working.

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