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Align WX Assessment

Is Your Work Experience Getting in the Way of Great Work?

Align's WX Assessment paves the way for data driven decisions on how to redesign an entire work experience- from remote policies to office environments. They are applying the same principles of consumer experience research to the journey of work. The data collected empowers companies to remove hurdles, optimize physical space, and create opportunities to delight their employees.

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WX Assessment Overview

Alignis a fast, scalable, cost-effective way to collect functional work preferences from every employee — data to design work experience from the bottom up. Is it time to improve your work experience?

Our space planning and design services at Workscapes start with in-depth research into your requirements for interior space. Design integrity is a guiding principle that provides insight into the way business is evolving and into what’s possible. From walls to floors to furniture, our technical resources department will help make the most of your space and put our commitment into practice.

Improve Your Work Experience

Learn more about Hopewell from us here at Workscapes.